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Selling sustainable Surfers Paradise property

By Andrew Bell

When it comes to selling real estate in Surfers Paradise, the usual rules apply. Look to your intended target audience, examine the location for price points and seek advice on the marketing and advertising aspects. Of course, the route to sale isn't always paved the same way. There are plenty of opportunities for you to boost the marketable value of your property, whether through extensive renovations or basic improvements.

Property data and statistics have their place, but sometimes it pays to look at more general trends in society. One of these is the shift towards environmental awareness through greener, cleaner choices. When updating your property for sale, consider transforming aspects of your home into an eco-friendly sanctuary. This can be as simple as changing the light bulbs, picking energy efficient appliances or changing to a more efficient hot water system, but these features could actually elevate your property above other real estate in Surfers Paradise. Here are some ideas to kick start your eco-renovation.

Solar-powered star

Alternative energy sources are rapidly growing in popularity across the country. In fact, Queensland has one of the highest adoption rates for solar panels in Australia, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. With its plentiful sunshine hours and year-round good weather, Surfers Paradise is an ideal location to set up sun-powered energy systems. Given the growing cost of owning a home, prospective buyers will likely appreciate a solution that can cut down on energy bills throughout the year – and even provide remuneration in the long term! 

This can boost your chances of selling your Surfers Paradise property, but before you jump on the solar bandwagon, make sure you balance how much you're willing to spend on the technology with your expectations for sale. Check whether there are any rebates or discounts available for installation. This can trim down the cost substantially, but high-quality panels can run still into thousands of dollars. Have a discussion with your real estate agent about how much extra value solar panels are likely to add to property come sale time. 

Consider how solar energy can work for other areas of the home, like hot water. An efficient water heater can add value to your property and even make you eligible for further government rebates.

If you've decided to spend big on alternative energy, make sure it features heavily in your marketing and advertising campaign. The more interest surrounding the property, the better. If you want to know more about pitching your property to the public effectively, get in touch with the team at Ray White for expert real estate advice.

Passive property

If you're planning an extensive overhaul of your property in Surfers Paradise, give some thought to the redesign in terms of heating and cooling. Given that these purposes account for around 40 per cent of a households' energy bills according to the Australian Government's YourHome website, its worth putting some real effort into creating a space that minimises electricity usage. Passive designs can be the most effective way to achieve this.

Basically, passive designs make use of the surrounding climate to utilise of the sun and breezes. It's more common during the construction phase, but you can still incorporate some elements into your established property during your renovations. For example, improving the shading around your home can reduce the need for cooling. In fact, YourHome reports that effectively using window awnings, shutters and the like can block 90 per cent of the direct heat from the sun. 

Make sure you get advice before slapping up any structures – you don't want to block out the sun in winter! 

If you want to appeal to buyers who are looking to incorporate sustainable practices into their everyday life, have a chat with the real estate professionals at Ray White Surfers Paradise.

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