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KonMari: The internet’s new cleaning obsession

By Andrew Bell

A new Netflix series is inspiring Australians to tidy up and say goodbye to the items that no longer spark joy. If you're looking for tips to clear clutter from your Gold Coast property, the KonMari method might be your new obsession.

What is the KonMari method?

Tidying expert Marie Kondo has refined an effective strategy to clearing out excess items. Under her categorical and emotional approach to cleaning, the method encourages mindfulness and introspection, and has transformed homes all over the world. The method gained a cult-following all over the internet after Kondo developed a reality series for Netflix, 'Tidying Up With Marie Kondo', where she enters everyday homes and helps them bring organisation into their lives while maximising their spaces.

If you haven't got time to watch the entire series, here's some of the main points from the method to inspire you to clean up:

1. Commit to the process

The KonMari method is more than your average spruce of a room – it's a commitment to paying attention to the material things you surround yourself with. For sentimental hoarders in particular, an extreme clear out appears like an anxiety-inducing task, however the KonMari method is said to invoke feelings of mindfulness and be an overall therapeutic process for those who choose to undertake it.

2. Ask yourself, "Does this spark joy?"

The main rule of the KonMari method is identifying whether an item sparks joy for you. Kondo recommends holding the item and considering your emotions. If you pick up a pair of shoes and you find yourself apathetic, it is time to say goodbye and pop them in the donations box.

3. Tidy by category, not by location

When we tidy our homes, we tend to sort things out on a room-by-room basis. Kondo, however, advises to clear things out categorically. By cleaning in this method, it becomes less important to fit items into a space, and more about what items are actually needed. This is a great way of identifying areas of excess – if your clothing pile reveals eight plain black t-shirts and four pairs of identical white sneakers, it is safe to assume that you should cut down on purchasing these items.

4. Start with clothing and finish with sentimental items
When it comes to cleaning, nostalgia isn't always a welcome feeling. For this reason, Kondo suggests starting with clothing and eventually finishing with sentimental items so that you are already in the critical cleaning mindset. While the thought of parting with your old football uniform would have previously been nightmare material, by the time the KonMari method has transformed your cleaning habits, throwing those shorts away will be easy as pressing pause on Netflix.

If you are committed to a clear out and are looking to downsizing your Gold Coast property, get in touch with our friendly team at Ray White Surfers Paradise.

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