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Clamping down on asthma in Surfers Paradise

By Andrew Bell

When it comes to your real estate in Surfers Paradise (or anywhere else for that matter), it goes without saying that cleanliness should always be a top priority. There are numerous benefits to being a neat freak as a home owner, such as having your property looking its best for potential buyers and simply improving the comfort and quality of your living space.

Simultaneously, health is something that can be endangered if you don't try and keep your Surfers Paradise property clean. While this all sounds great on paper, we're aware that this can be a difficult habit to get into amidst the bustle of everyday living. At the very least, vacuuming and/or cleaning dust off as many surfaces as you can should be a goal – and this is why.

The attack of asthma 

In Australia, Asthma has always been a widespread condition that needs to be constantly kept in check, whether it's you or your loved ones that have it. The National Asthma Council of Australia defines it like this:

"Asthma is a disease of the airways – the breathing tubes that carry air into our lungs."

Symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, continuous coughing and a sense of a tightness around the chest area. This occurs when the airways become inflamed or irritated.

A recent piece of Roy Morgan research reveals that the prevalence of this ailment hasn't subsided one bit. It shows that roughly 11 per cent of the adult population have asthma, which is the third most common lung-related condition in the country, behind hay fever and snoring.

It's also been noted that asthma is a chronic condition that has no cure. This means that those who have it will simply have to learn how to manage it throughout their lives. Friends or loved ones who with asthma should do their best to avoid triggering its symptoms. Some of the catalysts include allergy-related triggers such as house dust mites and mould.

Both of these home-based factors are things that can be minimised by keeping your Surfers Paradise property nice and clean.

Destroying mould

Dealing with dust is no mystery. A vacuum cleaner, a few cloths and a duster should be all you need to get straight at it. But what about mould? A February 13 article on offers up a few directions as to how to get rid of any you find in your home

The first step outlined is to vacuum it up – but only if you have an effective HEPA filter. Failing to have one while doing this may only spread it around, which is bad news for asthmatics.

Next, you'll need to get rid of the remnants by using diluted vinegar.The mixture should be roughly four parts vinegar for every part of water. Have three buckets filled with the solution. Then, use a microfibre cloth (which will be your best friend in these types of jobs) and apply the mixture to mould patches. After every wipe, be sure to rinse the cloth into the second bucket and then the third. This will ensure that there's no contamination before you go in for the next wipe.

Stopping before it starts

While these tips are great for when you find mould patches in your Surfers Paradise real estate, the best thing is to simply not let it grow in the first place. Moisture is a huge catalyst for mould, which can enter through broken pipes, leaky roofs and other defects in the structure. When you get into a good habit of cleaning regularly and taking note of these issues before they become a problem, you'll be able to minimise any hazards to asthmatics.

For all your house-hunting needs in one of the Gold Coast's most popular regions, get in touch with Ray White Surfers Paradise.

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