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3 tips to make your property more eco-friendly this summer

By Andrew Bell

Looking to turn your home into an environmentally friendly haven on the Gold Coast? If you’ve just bought in south-east Queensland or you’re thinking about getting into the market and want to ensure your carbon footprint is as small as possible, eco-savvy changes will be front of mind.

We live in a paradise in Australia, and it doesn’t take a lot of effort to keep it pristine. Small changes can make a big difference and they’re not all difficult to implement. Here are three of our favourites:

1. Install ‘green’ light bulbs

Replace all of your incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL). The light produced is brighter and it uses less energy. You’ll save 66 per cent on your power bill and they won’t need to be replaced as often. Further, you can save as much as 400 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions for every incandescent bulb you change out for a CFL.

YourHome states that lighting can take up as much as 15 per cent of a home’s energy bill. While you get a lot of sunlight living on the Gold Coast, particularly in summer, efficient, green lighting is still a necessary addition to any earth-friendly home.

2. Limit your heating and cooling all year

Heating and cooling a home consumes a significant amount of energy. If your home isn’t decked out in the right way to make the most of your heating and cooling, much of the power you use will be wasted to poor insulation. What’s more, your home won’t stay cool or hot for as long if it’s not a properly closed space, meaning the environment won’t be as comfortable.

If you have a centralised air conditioning system, make sure it’s zoned and you only ever heat or cool the zones that are in use. If you’re installing heating or cooling systems in separate areas, try to avoid any spaces that are only rarely used. That way, you aren’t going to be pumping cool air into a room that nobody goes into.

As much as 40 per cent of a home’s energy consumption comes from heating and cooling, according to YourHome. Overall, it’s the most expensive part of any energy bill. If you can reduce it at all, you’ll be saving money and helping the environment. Living in Surfers Paradise will mean some very hot days and cooling might be necessary, but you can make it more efficient by putting some time and effort into making your home greener.

Some smart tips to keep your home at the right temperature include keeping windows open in opposite parts of the home to create a draught, placing a rug on wooden floors to stop warm or cool air escaping, and installing UV-protective glass to stop heat transfer.

3. Unplug your TV when you’re not using it

TVs are idle for approximately 17 hours per day. Depending on the type of TV you own, that could increase your energy bill, and therefore carbon footprint, by a significant amount. A smart TV has more functions and so uses more power, even when idle. An older TV won’t use as much power but your energy bill will still be lower if you take a few seconds each morning or night to flick the switch.

It’s easy to keep our beautiful country happy by reducing your carbon footprint and minimising your energy bill. All it takes is some consideration and clever home planning and design. For more information about buying an eco-friendly home on the Gold Coast, or for tips on making your home green, get in touch with Ray White Surfers Paradise today.

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